Napkin Dry Digester

Product - (Advanced Waste Management Systems)

  • This is an eco friendly used napkin destroyer
  • This digester is very suitable to destroy used menstrual napkins, baby and old age used diaper
  • No smoke and smell to come out
  • The temperature inside the digester will rise up to 900 degree Celsius within 1 minute
  • 10 mg LPG required for one time process
  • Only CO2 and white colour powder type Ash is the rest things.
  • The hazardess gas which release on the time of burning too destroyed in the chamber of digester
  • Process of a two tier burning developed in the digester
  • 3 to 5 minutes time is sufficient for one time process
  • Five napkins or two diapers are the capacity for one time process in the digester
  • Variant kinds of digestive were developed Eg: Domestic type for household uses, Community types for charity and other community institutes

WDC – 1
Capacity = up to 4 used napkins or 1 number used baby diaper at a time.
Required time for digestion = 3 minute
used fuel = LPG
Required LPG for one time purpose = Less than 10mg
Price :INR. 12,000

WDC – 2
apacity =  20 used napkins / 3 numbers baby diapers / single Old Age diaper
Required fuel = 30 mg LPG
Required time = 5 to 10 minute
Price : INR. 15,000

WDC – 3
Capacity = up to 50 numbers used napkins / 5 numbers Baby diaper / 2 number old Age diaper
Required fuel= 50mg LPG
Digestion time = 15 to 25 minute
Price :INR. 28,000

WDC – 4
Capacity = 100 Nos. used napkins / 10 numbers baby diaper / 5 numbers old Age diaper at a time.
Required fuel = 50 mg LPG
Required time = 20 to 30 minute
Price :INR. 55,000


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